Vacation is a great time to take your drone with you to capture some beautiful imagery while you're away. Here are some ideas to help you bring home the gold!
1. Birds Eye.
Checking the birds eye angle or Nadir, whenever I'm flying is so important, that the C2 button on my controllers are set to quickly flip the camera down to see what's happen directly below. So many times what is straight below is very powerful visually, It's also good safety practice to make sure you're not flying directly over people, moving traffic or any other potential safety hazard.
2. Interesting Architecture.
I'm always on the look out for beautiful buildings and landmarks to capture the local flavor of where I'm visiting.
I prefer to fly at a time where no one's around to make the the photo both less cluttered and for flight safety. Also be sure to keep a safe distance so as not to invade anyones privacy.
3. Put a person in the shot. A beautiful location can be brought up a notch by adding a person. It not only gives scale of the scenery, but also adds another interesting element to the image.
4. Sunrise Sunset.
My favorite time to fly is 20 minutes before sunrise until 2 hours after and then about 2 hours before sunset until 20 minutes after. Of course make sure you know the rules on flying in civil twilight and always use your anti collision lights, NOT just the lights that are built in to your drone. I use the
AVEO PICOMAX DRONE BEACON. They work really well.
5. Roads and trails.
From the air roads and trails can bring dynamic angles and interest to a drone photo. Especially if there's something interesting on that path. Make sure not to fly over moving vehicles, it's dangerous and against the law.